"I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."
prettyprophet: Dead or Alive, two shots of Kasumi x Hayate, Amazake Hatosyo-ten, Yoshu Ohepe, Brolen, Rabbits.
funny_bunny: Commissioned by...NOT SETEBOS??
prettyprophet: Nah, it's Setebos again. Fucking Ohepe flood right here.
funny_bunny: DEAD OR ALIVE SUCKS AND KASUMI AND HAYATE ARE JUNK. Pass it along to Eddy and Patty!
Killer Ink: You liked DOA.
funny_bunny: "LIKED" is the word. Oh Ayane, you're so great. THAT'S IT, NO MORE DOA TALK.
prettyprophet: Couldn't you play her in Ninja Gaiden 2? Eh, don't matter, I ain't getting it.
Killer Ink: I still don't understand how you two have time for games.
prettyprophet: Uh, yeah, because you working all the fucking time is doing wonders for your health.
funny_bunny: Always time for fun! FIGHT FOR FUN!
prettyprophet: Peace out, kids.
funny_bunny: Powered to you by CAPTAINESS N!
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