September 12, 2009

Bakatohasami's [Love and Power]

Love makes up Death City

"The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of victims, but they speak as if they were alone. Eye to eye, voice to voice, hand to hand, heart to heart, these two children of the Universal Mother, else so wide apart and differing, have come together on the dark highway, to repair home together, and to rest in her bosom."

prettyprophet: Spoilers: Consensual fucking between two people who like each other a ton but are too shy and familiar to say they love each other outright. So I think it's safe to say no one's going to download this. That's right, you're all sick fucks that get your rocks off rape and mayhem; Peking Duck was right. Am I jaded much? Yes.

nde: But they never show romance beyond the teen years.

prettyprophet: Duh, everyone knows they break up after. No, seriously, I can't think of anyone who's stayed together after high school.......willingly.

nde: Whopper.

prettyprophet: Ok, we know his case is fucked and once he inevitably crashes and burns, we're going to ridicule his dumb ass. Protip: you hook up with the Rabbits and you make sure you don't act a fool. You WILL be called out. Speaking of calling out, I'm calling out Funny, fuck him, I'm doing all these posts......pretty much on my own; I know, there's nde but god I am fucking burnt out and I don't want to think right now. Yeah, I could write this LATER after I get some, I can't, I'm too busy.

nde: I think he's at home. Playing Blazblue.

prettyprophet: That fuck. Thank the Moon Rabbit we got "Love and Power", eh? Hell yeah, first "Soul Eater" doujinshi from the Rabbits! Where the hell's Pat? She loves Soul Eater. Anyways, it's from circle Bakatohasami and the artist is You Sakai. Maka x Soul, Blair x Maka, Soul x Maka. Chea.

nde: It's cute.

prettyprophet: nde doesn't even like Soul Eater! That's fucking endorsement. Translated by resident Soul Scholar ak; he propositioned this thing yay months back.

nde: Oh, Funny wanted mention of this site.

prettyprophet: Why?

nde: "Indie love". That's all he said.

prettyprophet: Oh wait, I remember. This is....I don't know, I don't know her, I think Funny does. But she's got comics. Comics with rockhard prostitutes and a CHINESE MALE LEAD? What the fuck? Ting Yay seems a little too pushover though, so he ain't my type.

nde: He didn't seem that bothered at the beginning.

prettyprophet: Yeah, I'll give him that. Anyways, it's indie. Half the Rabbits are indie. Well, indie-hipster-geek-gangsta-thugs. Check it out, yo.

nde: And the contest.

prettyprophet: Right, COMMISSION CONTEST NUMBER TWO. Win a free commission! This one's entirely in Funny's court. Head over to the Rabbit-chan for that. Alright, fuck it, I'm tired. So I'm not going to sleep. Maybe I'll play Valkyria.

nde: Real-time.

prettyprophet: Ok, Devil Survivor.

nde: Small screen.

prettyprophet: I'm watching Orta's Pandora's Box.

nde: Sweet dreams for Iva.

Additional links:

On Death Weapon Meister Academy
On Depositfiles
On Megaupload
On Kommiekomiks


On Megaupload

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