"Now Jove suspends his golden Scales in Air,
Weighs the Mens Wits against the Lady's Hair;
The doubtful Beam long nods from side to side;
At length the Wits mount up, the Hairs subside."
Previously on WTF Month:
+ Aya Takano's Space Ship EE
+ Rabbit Revelry: Say Hello, Rabbit-Chan
prettyprophet: Download the release now because if you read on, there'll be spoilers. Not like THAT much is going to be spoiled (hint: someone gets TENTACLE RAPED). Let's start this off by setting the sides. One side: nice, little nde and the Duck that just got dragged into hentai hell. The other: Funny the Insane Bunny and Otaku Princess Pat. Me and Lavie: moderators of the debate. Proper Moral Justice vs. Delicious Decadence. Go.
nde: I'm not bothered by this. And I don't think I'm moral.
prettyprophet: Ok, Duck vs. Everyone.
Peking Duck: This is totally unfair.
Kawaii Pattycakes: Then come over to our side!
funny_bunny: But there is no side! WE ARE OUROBUROS AND WE GO AROUND AND AROUND.
Peking Duck: Aren't you guys grossed out by this ONE bit?
prettyprophet: Hey, don't look at me when you say.....type that. My wrath was spent on Infinity Stars.
Peking Duck: Lavie?
Lavie Rhap: I suppose these things come with the territory.
funny_bunny: And our territory is the world.
Peking Duck: Tentacles and lolipops always go together! Shotakkuns and tentacles too! Anything with tentacles!
prettyprophet: Yeah, you know..........nevermind.
Peking Duck: They're kids.
prettyprophet: They're drawings.
Peking Duck: Ah shit, I shouldn't have brought that up.
Lavie Rhap: Shall I interject?
prettyprophet: Do it before I talk.
Lavie Rhap: I'm sure many of you may have heard the news of Japanese game developers/publishers practicing self-censorship in light of the Rapelay situation.
prettyprophet: A little bit funny, because now I bet a ton of people who never would've played the thing downloaded the thing to hell and back.
Lavie Rhap: Needless to say, Prophet was infuriated by the perceived whitewashing of this problem (changing game names, limits placed on what kind of sexual scenarios there may be, etc.) and felt that more important issues were being neglected in favor of sensationalism.
prettyprophet: I told everyone this before: you're not going to solve any fucking problems by hiding this shit. It's here and it exists.
Peking Duck: So why the hell are we fighting fire with fire?
prettyprophet: They're not fire. All these public interest groups, all these suits.....they're frigid. So fucking busy preaching to their choirs, trying to ice all the smut.
Lavie Rhap: I can only imagine what their reaction would be to someone such as Pat, a fine, upstanding young woman...with certain niche interests.
prettyprophet: Their brains would burst.
funny_bunny: But not ours!
Kawaii Pattycakes: Deculture!
Peking Duck: This is one messed up world.
funny_bunny: It is Wonderland.
prettyprophet: Hey, readers, want to know why Duck got particularly bothered by this thing? She has a younger sister. Yeah, she's lolipop too.
Peking Duck: Don't fucking tell these sickos that.
prettyprophet: Funny, when are we roping Jujube in?
funny_bunny: When she has matured and roasted into a mouth-watering morsel like our crispy Peking Duck!
Peking Duck: Funny......I just don't know what to do with you.
prettyprophet: Join the club.
Kawaii Pattycakes: You could heart him! That'd be so mukyaaaa~
funny_bunny: I REFUSE TO BE TAMED.
Peking Duck: You know, I thought Prophet would be all snarling when I saw this.
prettyprophet: Like I said, all wrath spent on Infinity Stars.
funny_bunny: So! I took ze script and asked nde questions! Such as..."What would Prophet say if someone told her she could not do something?"..."What would Prophet say you were dying?"..."What would Prophet say if she stubbed her toe?"...and we all saw the magic that occurred from THAT.
nde: Are they meant to be demonhunters or something?
prettyprophet: What? Who knows, they're lolipops.
Kawaii Pattycakes: SCHOOLGIRL lolipops. Let's watch Battle Royale!
nde: I don't understand this story.
Peking Duck: It's PORN.
funny_bunny: It is the story of LOVING and CARING between TWO TWINS. TWINS!
nde: The girls are frightened but not overwhelmed at the beginning; Komomo is of clear mind. Wouldn't that mean they, or at least Komomo, are experienced with tentacles and other monstrosities?
Lavie Rhap: But if that were the case, they're strangely under-equipped.
nde: Which would suggest they were disarmed through some form or another.
Lavie Rhap: Keep in mind that it may have been possible for Komomo to have escaped, should she have chosen to leave Sumomo behind.
prettyprophet: And she didn't. Made the choice, had a literal brainwashing. Devastating, ain't it?
Peking Duck: Don't tell me I'm reading Lavie and nde discussing PORN PLOT.
prettyprophet: Porn plot! Right here with the Rabbits.
nde: They just don't seem like regular schoolgirls.
Lavie Rhap: It was somewhat surprising to see Komomo yield before Sumomo.
prettyprophet: Drugs! Fucking cheap.
Peking Duck: You wouldn't have gone down to monster sperm in your head?
prettyprophet: Fuck no.
funny_bunny: That's the power of RABBIT WILL.
Kawaii Pattycakes: PROPHET, YOU AND ME, REBEL 1, LET'S GO!
prettyprophet: Ok, wrapping this up. F4U's "The Violation of Two Vases" aka "Twin Pots". Translated by the Ghost; Funny asks nde: "What's a sexier word for 'pots'?" "Vases." Funny asks me: "Still she-hulk over Rapelay?" "Doing a sex release? See if you can shove in something to do with rape." Then he showed me this. And yes, rape.
Kawaii Pattycakes: Is it funny?
prettyprophet: They can't see you do that paw thing.
Kawaii Pattycakes: Awwwww.
funny_bunny: Tentacles! Lolipops! Staples of the Otaku Pyramid of Life.
prettyprophet: Alongside Aya's "Space Ship EE", Alexander Pope, and perfectly normal Rabbits like Peking Duck.
Peking Duck: Hey, don't patronize me.
Lavie Rhap: Let's settle any animosity with Blazblue.
Kawaii Pattycakes: Nooo I'm playing Prophet now!
prettyprophet: Bad blood first. Duck, fucking BRING IT ON.
Peking Duck: So dead.
funny_bunny: Randy Rabbit Release 4 you! F4U! This post was powered by the synchowaves of CAPSULE and the rockness of BLAZBLUE! nde, who will YOU use?
nde: Do I need to say?
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